Our Vision & Mission Statement
Faith Lutheran Church will be a unified, supportive ministry, serving each other
through worship, witnessing and Christian Education, inviting all to grow in
Christ's love. We will be a visible anchor in our community, sharing faith,
witnessing Christ, Gathering and guiding our neighbors, encouraging them to join
our family.
Our Mission - "Connecting Families to One Another in Christ!"
Our mission as a congregation flows directly from the Mission Statement of the mission statement of the Synod.
LCMS Mission Statement: In grateful response to God's grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of the LCMS is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.
As we developed our plan, the guiding core values are as follows:
1. Christian Education is important to bring people closer to Christ.
2. Fellowship and Caring Relationships under gird our Unity in Christ.
3. Stewardship of God's resources propels our vision and growth toward the future.
4. Growth of God's Kingdom in depth and breadth is our primary focus.
5. Worship based on God's Word maintains our Confessional integrity.
Additionally, two Aspirational Values for future ministry have surfaced, for which we will hold each other accountable and which we will not compromise as we go forward in our walk with Christ:
6. Sharing the Gospel with our Community through strategic means and methods is a strong guiding principle for development of programs and processes of ministry.
7. Meeting the needs of our Community both in the physical and spiritual realms is the bulls-eye of the target we are shooting for in planning and development of our congregation.
through worship, witnessing and Christian Education, inviting all to grow in
Christ's love. We will be a visible anchor in our community, sharing faith,
witnessing Christ, Gathering and guiding our neighbors, encouraging them to join
our family.
Our Mission - "Connecting Families to One Another in Christ!"
Our mission as a congregation flows directly from the Mission Statement of the mission statement of the Synod.
LCMS Mission Statement: In grateful response to God's grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of the LCMS is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.
As we developed our plan, the guiding core values are as follows:
1. Christian Education is important to bring people closer to Christ.
2. Fellowship and Caring Relationships under gird our Unity in Christ.
3. Stewardship of God's resources propels our vision and growth toward the future.
4. Growth of God's Kingdom in depth and breadth is our primary focus.
5. Worship based on God's Word maintains our Confessional integrity.
Additionally, two Aspirational Values for future ministry have surfaced, for which we will hold each other accountable and which we will not compromise as we go forward in our walk with Christ:
6. Sharing the Gospel with our Community through strategic means and methods is a strong guiding principle for development of programs and processes of ministry.
7. Meeting the needs of our Community both in the physical and spiritual realms is the bulls-eye of the target we are shooting for in planning and development of our congregation.